Remote Volunteer

Remote Volunteer

Manage all your volunteers, anywhere - TCM's Remote Volunteer

TCM’s Remote Volunteer is a dedicated web application that allows your volunteers, land stewards and staff to send information from wherever they are working.

  • Works on any device that has Internet access and can open a website
  • Capture hours worked/volunteered, notes and specific comments about the project
  • Purchase with a TCM license to ensure automatic upgrades and support

The application comes complete with:

  • Mobile-responsive web page, customized to match your existing site. Includes one main navigation menu.
  • Redirect a page-name of your own website to the Remote Volunteer page.
  • The volunteer import template ready for import into TCM.
  • Automated activity emails sent to the email address(es) of your choice.
  • Automated delivery of data files at your preferred intervals.
  • Automated purge function to make sure you receive only the most recent entries.

Additional customization and matching special content such as widgets, social apps & audio/video is also available.  Contact us for more information.

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